code simple method to add a safari css There are some selector hacks out there, but I don't like them - ie: (@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) {}). My personal favourite is done with Prototype because I use it a lot and it is pretty simple: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
code new theme it was time for a change - so I've made a new theme for my blog. Nothing special but it looks quite ok (haven't tested it in IE, I don't care bout it - but in safari, firefox, chrome and opera it looks good)
code new protosafe released just in time. One of our clients requested it (minified + packed) last week and today I found an updated version and it seems t work fine:
code how to cut a string with regex (the neat way) It is fairy a common task to cut a string - ie when a teaser text should not be longer than n characters. A lot of people use substring() or substr(), depending on their favourite language. However with regex it is really easy and
digital life daily madness I got up to late today and my ticket list is ways to long plus I need to finish some work for a client. However - the weather is fine today and I don't feel stressed or something like that. I bought the new
code MySQL EXPLAIN aka DESCRIBE for UPDATE/DELETE Ever tryed to "explain" a delete or an update statement? It will fail. It took me nearly an hour to figure this out. Actually I've never needed to explain a simple DELETE statement, but in todays case I did and was wondering
digital life Stupid New Media A Project manager recently emailed me about a non working link but without to mention which link he was taking about, so I replied: «What kind of link, in what situation - how can I reproduce it?» - After a short while he sent
personal trip to hamburg/Schleswig-Holstein I just came back from a short trip to Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein. Actually it was my Moms bday and I bought her some stuff for the kitchen and I hope she will enjoy the designer pepper mill ;) On Sunday we went to the Arboretum
digital life ACR There are some things I really dislike and one of that are «anonymous calls» and because of that I've installed iCall Manager on my Blackberry and tada - it works. All incoming anonymous calls gets now rejected. Good bye whoeveryouare! ;-)
code Pass Phrazr Passwords are sometimes hard to remember, or at least hard to read, because good passwords are cryptic. That’s a fact and I am still fine with it, because I pay attention to obvious security flaws or risks. However, there are some situations when
digital life Up to date with something It was time to get a new mobile phone so I've choosen the BlackBerry Bold 9000 for 89,- EUR and hope it will be delivered until tomorrow. I guess I will not use all the fancy features it claims to provide but it's
code finally online It took us quite a while until we were all satisfied but now it's done and you can view it over here: » The site relies on prototype, some web 2.0 gimmickry, scriptaculous and the pear framework, a wonderful combine script
personal have to pay customs for threadless t-shirt What da f..k? And the damn office has still closed on Sat and is located out in the sticks. It's raining outside an my company canceled »beer and sausage« Man - that truely sucks! Note: I had to pay 20 Euro tariff for
code Thursday My neighbours just had sex - uhh, ahhh, uuhhhh - well for about 4 minutes - not much longer - then they were done. So I'd call it a quickly. I was quite tempted to have a look but I thought that would be
art 5 new t-shirts! Yay-Ha! I've ordered 5 new shirts at again and I'm looking forward to wear em. The Beginning Tools Of The Trade Fake Pandas Have More Fun No More Bento Terrible Wonderful Strange
personal finally online now and hello north It took us 3 weeks more than expected(stupid things like a missing index = up to 140 server-load) but since last week it's online. YAY! ;) However! Tomorrow we'll go to Sylt and to be more precise to »List«, relaxing for 3-4 Days
work just launched springer business media It took a while but it's finally online. Just abuse your mouse and click on the screenshot below to view the site. Nothing special and I've saw a few minutes ago I gotta fix some stuff but visually it's ok and everthing seems to
art thai graff quick-note: I've just "approved" a graff-shop from Bangkok, Thailand for How cool is that! The first asian shop so far!
music love and hate not hatelove I'm currently working on the relounge and that's a lot of work. Really - believe me ;) Once again I fight my dislike for the IE and hate it how the IE6 displays certain elements but I love the Papyrus we've bought yesterday
media how cool is that video! I've found this one by accident, when a friend showed me a video of Paul Anka, because she was on his concert this evening. I really love this video of Rita Pavone. I've never heard of her before and most of her songs I've
personal portraits A few months ago I was at a shooting and the photographer put the/my images online and you can watch them at
personal a glimpse out of my new window In 10 days I will move together with my sweetheart to our new home and this is something I've captured out of my window, when we got the new keys.
motd Warum ein gesetzlicher Mindestlohn richtig und wichtig ist. Wenn das Fundament eines Betriebes auf Dumpinglöhnen basiert, dann ist dieser nicht wirtschaftlich und ein Ökonomisches Geschwür der Volkswirtschaft. An dem Niedriglohn profitiert nur der Unternehmer, der lediglich eine Existentz darstellt, hingegen seine Angestellten nur überleben und mehrere Individuen darstellen. - Niedriglöhner sind keine
code urgent update I had to update WP, because someone managed to exploit a security hole in my blog. I guess it was the draft exploit - but I am not sure. Also I've decided to use the open_base_dir restrictions, because the guys who tryed