code most webdeveloper should better grow weeds than... ... writing bad and unforgivable code. There are lot of good looking sites out there and a lot of good looking (w)CMS front and backends but most of the so called cool CMS sucks. WP ist cool - I like it - it's a
code nightmare osCommerce + php5 Why: do people code in medieval style? do people ignore the signs of the time? I guess I need to find a quick and easy solution to make osCommerce work on php5. phew -- 10 minutes later -- here's some quick stuff which seems
digital life text for websites I've met a lot of people during the time and I have NEVER ever met anyone who was able to give me a good structured text document for a website. So-called professionals work sometimes like bloody beginners. First of all: THINK STRUCTURED - because
code Joomla It looks good. Which means it has a nice UI but for somehow some things seems to me me irrational or not logic and besides that I am disappointed by the amount of table layout stuff. Hello Joomla developer: We are in the mid
motd Erfolg hat, wer Erfolg will! »Erfolg hat, wer mehr tut als nötig und dass immer! Erfolg hat, wer die entscheidenden Dinge richtig tut« :D Oh ja! So brüllt es Bernd W. Klöckner in seinem Hörbuch "Die Magie des Erfolges" und auch wenn einige Ansätze richtig sind, sind
media hhb tracks update I've decided to post some of my tunes I did for, so... check em out.
digital life time for a change pt2 STFU and get serious! It's easy to chill, hang out with friends, do party and all those lovely things but seriously - sometimes you need to get serious. Unplug the Phone, shut down the messenger and do not complain about your work - stfu
motd time for a change Again. Sometimes everything seems to be fine and then you realize: It's time for a change, and that's what happened to me during the last few days or maybe weeks. Sometimes the real world is an illusion and you need to break your habits,
g8 G8, first impressions, back home I'm back from the g8 droppingknowledge summer camp 07 and feel kind of mentally ambushed. It may sounds stupid but at least my skin is a little bit more brown, I've met a lot of nice people and I still have no idea what
media download: drink entire 0.5 beta ... und bevor ich es noch vergesse. hier klicken! und besagtes beta PDF runterladen und wenn das Fanzine gefällt: Kaufen und die Volkswirtschaft ankurbeln :D
motd wie ein Hund auch... [...] und das im Bezug auf die Situation die sich mir gestern bot ist unglaublich. Nichts ahnend, vom Supermarkt kommend, erblicken meine Augen zwei glänzende Po-Backen über dem Bürgersteig. Es ist kein alltägliches Bild und mein Verstand brauch eine Sekunde länger um das Bild zu
motd mal eine rauchen gehen,... ... gibt es nicht mehr. Zumindest nicht mehr so ganz spontan und in gar keinem Falle vor 10Uhr! Die erfreuliche Nachricht kam heute um 10:16 per Email und man munkelt ob Weinen oder Lachen angebrachter sei. Die Knappe Anweisung via elektronischer Post liest sich
personal haiku like thought the sound of the night a slight scent of elder the last cup of sake and that moment has gone forever
music kids like the rape me song There's a little party in our backyard, where some sort of social, welfare, youth club, kindergarden, i-don-t-know-what-it-is something like that and a band with a female lead covers the nirvana track »rape me« and I really don't know if the people do understand what
personal mission weekend complete phew - and another weekend marathon has been completed. Started on friday with an party in Kreuzberg and I guess we were really hammerd', my mates however decided to call it at 4am a day and I decided to stay a little longer. However
media whenever I'm down man, I almost forgot what a catchy tune this is: [youtube]9AhzX0pou-U[/youtube]
music oh yeah! All I have to say is: minimal, berlin, awesome, weekend, pheeeeeeew, great lineup! Yay, this weekend will be great! »Wir sind quark« and I recon I really need to take a day off - monday - because this will be a absolutely mayhem! I
music Music makes the world go round Yes and it's unbelievable what kind of »unmusic« exists. Today a charity organisation around the corner gave records away and I took some of them. The one had only a funny cover(Bier her! trans.: gimme beer!) and the rest I thought could be
personal days - plans - tasks Some time has passed since my last post and I really wish I had more time. Atm I do a job for two but get cash for only one. There are some projects I am working on and I know I should try to
personal New Year resolutions I just came back from London and got to work in a few hours, but I have some good resolutions for this brand new year. I'm really pissed of some things and I'll try to change them for the future. Sometimes it's hard to
bnw Die Gedanken sind (nicht) frei. Du darfst alles Erdenkliche denken - aber hüte dich davor dies laut zu tun - denn das obliegt nicht deiner Freiheit. Du hast die Freiheit dich auf dem Terrain zu bewegen, welches dir zugewiesen wird, denn der propagandistische Irrtum der Meinungsfreiheit ist die Geißel
css Tested and to be tested Yesterday I've downloaded and tried to install DSL (Damn Small Linux) as X as well running it as Live-CD. The latest release from DSL uses for somehow an old Qemu release and I couldn't start the graphical interface. After downloading the latest Qemu release